Be Bold. Lead Change.
Successful leaders are bold, unafraid to take the strategic risks that bring about diversity and change. But first, many start with NAMIC, joining local chapters, networking at local events, attending our annual conference, and participating in our cutting-edge leadership training.
Our annual lineup of high-value professional education programs provides the tools aspiring leaders and executives need to make a difference.
Follow NAMIC's Path to the C-Suite
Commit to Executive Education
Studies show that professionals who train with NAMIC are more likely to get promoted, more likely to see a salary increase, and less likely to leave their current company.
Expand Your Network—And Your Exposure
NAMIC programs put you in the room with a diverse group of C-suite executives and top industry leaders all year long. They teach you how to position yourself as you learn from the very best in the business.
Gain Skills for Advancement
With NAMIC, you will learn to assess marketing, evaluate and capitalize on industry trends, build a business plan for your unit, foster inclusion, and develop other capabilities that prepare you to take on greater challenges and larger roles.

NAMIC is the premier source for professional development in the media, entertainment, and technology industries, offering strategic insights, learning opportunities, and the very latest business intelligence to professionals at every level.
Join us for executive education that inspires action. Be bold. Lead change. Make a difference this year with NAMIC’s education programs.
Participant Feedback
The Leadership Seminar has helped me to identify my values,
clarify my strengths and skills, as well as determine how to incorporate the things I love doing in my life. I achieved increased motivation around my career and self confidence in my personal and professional life.
My overall experience of ELDP was excellent.
Not only was it refreshing to be in a room with industry peers from different companies, but it was great to receive classroom lessons on executive leadership that can be immediately applied in the workplace.
I have only attended the Leadership Seminar, and it has been a transformative experience.
I would love to take the ELDP once I qualify.
“Top companies make a commitment to professional development. They invest in their talent. NAMIC has trained more than 1,000 managers and executives over two decades of service. We take the best and make them even better.”
President and CEO, NAMIC